October 19, 2023

AI in copywriting and communication: how, why, and when we’re using artificial intelligence.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become increasingly popular in the marketing and communication industry as technology advances. It’s been received both positively and negatively across the globe. However you perceive it, AI isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, […]
September 6, 2023

Let someone else pick the next book you read – you’ll thank me

A generation ago, after a lockdown (don’t know which one, they are all merged into one in my mind) I went to visit my friend and fellow Wordsmith, Catherine. One of the highlights of that visit […]
May 30, 2023

7 ways to improve your proofreading

When it comes to fine-tuning what you’ve written, proofreading is a skill many of us could do with improving on as it’s an essential step in the writing process that can’t be overlooked. Even the best […]
April 11, 2023

Generating blog ideas – are generic or niche blogs best?

When you’re working internally to come up with new blog ideas for your business, you might find some differences of opinion on what kind of subjects to target. Do you choose something generic and accessible to […]