April 28, 2017

If in doubt, leave it out – my rule for avoiding common grammar mistakes

Language is fluid and trends come and go, but there are some grammar rules which, in my humble opinion, should be learned by rote until they can never be forgotten. I’ll be the first to admit […]
December 21, 2016

I should have said I wanted to be richer

Isn’t language funny? Even as a professional writer of sorts I can get caught out in mix-ups about meanings. Those of you who know me will know that I’m a proud redhead, but I’m getting to […]
December 16, 2016

Content and SEO – building a beautiful relationship

You might have heard stories along the lines of ‘SEO is dead’ but it isn’t, it’s simply changing. While the days of keyword stuffing and hidden text on web pages are, thankfully, far behind us, if […]